10 Tips for Using Video for Audience Development

When it comes to creating videos, the first thing to consider is the content you are going to incorporate into the piece. Although popularity of digital video content is high, it has to compete with a lot of other noise that exists online.

To assure high quality and a potential to be seen, it’s important to develop videos with the qualities that are often found in viral videos. This article from Amanda MacArthur highlights five main traits that viral videos and articles have in common, including emotional stories, comedic content, controversial input, a personal feel and the ability to spread the content easily.

After the content of the video is planned, distribution is the next consideration you need to make. Putting your video content on your website only is not the best strategy, particularly if you are using free video content to build your audience and drive more traffic to your content.


As the world’s second most popular search engine, it’s a good idea to upload your video content onto YouTube. But as mentioned before, the clutter, noise, and sheer volume of video content can be a lot to compete with. Fortunately, there are tips you can refer to while properly optimizing your content for third-party hosting sites like YouTube.

This article from video producer Patrick Hughes shares five video optimization tips for YouTube. The tips elaborate on using keywords, hyperlinks, graphics, and video production tips. If you are using video to drive more website traffic, this article is a must-read.

Have you already experienced success with video optimization? Please share your story in the comments section below.


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